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Dual Universe

2 files

  1. A single board script for displaying items from a single, or multi Hub/Container setup, to single, or multi Screens/Signs. Display for single items in containers/hubs. The script doesn't need to adhere to NQ's 30-second refresh rules and can be refreshed at any time. Great for uses like industrial, or even sales signs for shops. Many options for functions, and styles to make the plugin match your aesthetic. All in all an amazing easy to use script for all your container data needs.
    Can be used for...
    Single Hub/Container to Single Screen/Sign Multiple Hub/Container to Multiple Screen/Sign Single Hub/Container to Multiple Screen/Sign  
    ❗ The script has 3 different modes. Please choose the mode you will need to use and follow that modes install. Single HUB/Container - Single Screen/Sign
    Link Programming Board to Hub/Container then to Sign/Screen. Copy contents of "config.json" and right click on programming board > Advanced > Paste Lua configuration from clipboard. Edit Lua Parameters (See Usage Wiki Page) Turn on Screen & Activate Board. (v2.2+ will auto turn on any screens that are off.) Multi HUB/Container - Multi Screen/Sign
    Link Programming Board to Hub/Container then to Sign/Screen, then do the next set in that order. Link Hub, Then Screen for that hub. Do NOT link all hubs, then all screens it will not work. Hub,Screen,Hub,Screen.... and so on. Copy contents of "config.json" and right click on programming board > Advanced > Paste Lua configuration from clipboard. Edit Lua Parameters (See Usage Wiki Page) Turn on Screen & Activate Board. (v2.2+ will auto turn on any screens that are off.) Single HUB/Container - Multi Screen/Sign
    Link Programming Board to Hub/Container then link up to 5 screens. Copy contents of "config.json" and right click on programming board > Advanced > Paste Lua configuration from clipboard. Enable the "UseXScreens1Container" option on top of the LUA options menu. Edit the rest of the Lua Parameters (See Usage Wiki Page) Turn on Screen & Activate Board. (v2.2+ will auto turn on any screens that are off.) Using this mode forces the script to use NQ's API 30 second update limit. Other Notes
    ❗ A list of all in game item ID's : https://du-lua.dev/#/items ❗ If you are hooking the script to "HUB's" that came from a blueprint you will need to uncheck "AutoContainer" mode as there is a bug on dynamic properties from HUBs that are placed from blueprints. It seems not related to Lua but to element dynamic property. I will share it to server guys - NQ-Ligo Optional
    Link relay to programming board, then link pressure tile or detector zone to relay. This will force a board update when standing on a pressure tile or in the detection zone. The script also does not need to abide by NQ's 30-second refresh rule (Unless using the UseXScreens1Container option), so it can be updated as many times as needed.
    ❗ If you are using all 5 screens and containers/hubs this will no longer work. This is due to a slot restriction by NQ.
    165 0
    A single board script for displaying all your factory information. This script is helpful for those that dont like using HUDs and can be used on 1 to 9 screens depending on factory size. This version only shows your factory assemblers
    - Link Programming Board to CORE then to Sign/Screen.
    - Copy the .JSON contents of the version you want to use and right click on programming board > Advanced > Paste Lua configuration from clipboard.
    - Edit Lua Parameters
    - Turn on Screen & Activate Board.
    71 0

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